
Elevation Trail Nauders

General description
A top-class trail run! After a longer ascent, the high-altitude trail runs permanently along the forest border to Italy and Lake Reschen. From the starting point Parditsch in Nauders, you follow the trail to the inn of the same name and continue to the Labaunalm. Now you branch off to the south and follow the trail to the Labauner Köpfl. The long ascent is now overcome, and you can really enjoy the trails with a great view of Lake Reschen and the surrounding mountains. At the Piengalm, after about 14 km, you can stock up on food and drinks before the high-altitude trail climbs slightly again towards Bergkastel. Now you have almost completed all the altitude meters and continue across the border to Italy to the Plamort rock. The downhill is rewarded with a fantastic view of Lake Reschen. Soon the forest road is reached, along which you run the last kilometer to Reschen.
Status closed
Lengte 22,7 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1344 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1205 hm
Hoogtemeter 2225 m
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De Reschenseelauf is het grootste loopevenement van Zuid-Tirol. Behalve lopers zijn ook handbikers en nordic walkers welkom. Kleine lopers kunnen meedoen aan de BAMBINI-loop en bij de JUST FOR FUN-loop geldt voor de deelnemers alleen het motto “genieten”, zonder tijdwaarneming of klassementsbepaling. Op het traject van 15,3 kilometer moeten 90 hoogtemeters worden bedwongen.
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