Selfies on Top - 30 Dreitausender
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Großhorn peak

General description

Rewarding mountain peak to the east of St. Valentin/S. Valentino. From the Hasenlift to the north of St. Valentin follow the signs to "Großhorn" and the path signposted no. 6, initially through a larch forest followed by a gentle climb eastward to the foot of the mountain. Turning right, continue on the path through the very steep forest up to the "Bergl" at 2,176m. Continue on the path signposted no. 6, leaving the forest behind, to the summit of the Großhorn peak. The summit offers amazing views of the upper Vinschgau valley, the Malser Haide, Haidersee Lake and Lake Resia, in addition to the high mountains of the Sesvenna group and the peaks of the Ortler Group. The descent follows the same route as the one going up.
Alternative: Use the path signposted no. 6A over the Grauner Alm alpine pasture.

Duur 5:30 h
Lengte 8,3 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 1160 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1160 hm
Hoogtemeter 2634 m
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