Selfies on Top - 30 Dreitausender
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adventure trail Talai

General description

In the about 3 kilometers long loop road, twelve stations invite young and old to play and discover. Zipf and Zapf go along with the little natural scientists on their walk and narrate them interesting facts about the forest and its inhabitanst. At the same time the children have to crack several riddles to find the mysterious treasure at the end of the road. The trail is positioned amid of the talai forest in San Valentino. Don't forget to take paper and pencil to note the answers. Preprints also available at the Tourist Information.

Description to arrive at destination

On the Venosta Valley road SS 40 to S. Valentino, at the district heating station BEST at the parking lot.

Duur 2:30 h
Lengte 3 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 0 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 0 hm
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