Selfies on Top - 30 Dreitausender
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Zuid-Tiroolse kanaalroutes
in Vinschgau vallei
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Langtauferer Panoramic Trail

General description
The Langtauferer panoramic trail between Graun/Curon and Melag/Melago is one of the most beautiful and interesting high altitude trails in the Vinschgau Valley. It starts above the village of Graun in the direction of the Grauner Berg mountain. At the first fork, path no. 3 starts and continues to the end of the valley. Through woods and scenic mountain meadows, the trail continues on the orographic right side of the Langtauferer valley, mainly above cultivated meadows. It is a truly enchanting panoramic path on the sunny side of the beautiful Langtaufers valley, passing numerous farms and hamlets, a highlight even for inexperienced hikers.
Note: The route can be started at either end and can be halted at any of the hamlets along the way. The bus takes you back to the starting point.
Duur 4:00 h
Lengte 13 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 791 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 386 hm
Hoogtemeter 2016 m
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