Selfies on Top - 30 Dreitausender
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Zuid-Tiroolse kanaalroutes
in Vinschgau vallei
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To the mountain hut Maseben

General description
Kappl, a hamlet at the far end of Langtaufers valley, is the starting point of the hike and also the place where the car park is located. From there you walk towards the out of service Maseben ski-lift station, cross the Karlinbach river, climb up the former ski slope to the forest road signposted no. 15 on your left for about 600m, then keep to the right on the path signposted no. 19. Via the forest road, you climb through the forest, passing the old mid station, the Masebener Alm alpine pasture and the ski-lift, which is still in use in winter, and you reach your destination, the Maseben mountain hut. Once you arrive at the mountain hut, you can enjoy an amazing panoramic view of the surrounding mountains at 2,200m. The descent follows the same route as the one going up.
Note: There is also an option to take the shuttle service, which takes guests to the mountain hut via an adventurous journey.
Duur 2:45 h
Lengte 5,1 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 445 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 445 hm
Hoogtemeter 2268 m
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