Selfies on Top - 30 Dreitausender
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Zuid-Tiroolse kanaalroutes
in Vinschgau vallei
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3 country landmark

General description
The 3 country landmark offers not only a breath-taking view of the valley but also of the world (or at least three countries). The hike starts at the car park in Reschen/Resia near the cemetery by the lake. Follow the cycle path past the Mühlanderhof, cross the meadows and follow path signposted no. 3 – leading to the forest road up to the Tendershof. After two hairpin bends, follow a shaded forest path signposted no. 3 up to the border path, which runs below the mighty peak of Piz Lad, very close to the border. The path to the Dreiländerstein has South Tyrolean and Austrian signposts and leads to the iconic stone which indicates the borders of Italy, Austria and Switzerland. The view stretches as far as the Inn valley, the Engadine and the mountains of Nauders and Samnaun. The way back is along path no. 4 and 5 via the Rescher Alm mountain pasture to the village of Reschen.
Alternative: It is possible to drive to the Rojental valley and start the hike from the car park of Kopferbrücke. Take the hiking path to the Rescher Alm alpine pasture and from there to the border stone.
Duur 6:00 h
Lengte 14,4 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 739 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 739 hm
Hoogtemeter 2204 m
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