Selfies on Top - 30 Dreitausender
reschenpass-wanderkarte-selfies-on-top File size: 7,60 MB
Zuid-Tiroolse kanaalroutes
in Vinschgau vallei
2024-waalwege-broschuere File size: 7,22 MB


General description

A hike with a fantastic panorama and historical highlights. The tour starts below the sports field in Reschen/Resia. Follow the path signposted no. 2 in the direction of Plamort. Walk along the forest road for about an hour until you reach the plateau. Here you can explore the first bunkers, a complete defence system from the Second World War. If interested, follow the signs at the Oculus information board to the anti-tank barriers on the left hand side of the forest road. Alongside the anti-tank barriers to the east the path branches off to the south. A little further on, directly after the hill, a breath-taking panorama awaits you at the viewing rock. For the descent, not far from the panorama point, a narrower and steeper path no. 1A on the left leads back to Reschen.
Note: If the descent is too steep, follow the forest road instead and continue on the same route as on the ascent.

Duur 3:15 h
Lengte 8,2 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 502 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 502 hm
Hoogtemeter 2055 m
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